So... as I said, I've been terrible with my blog of late. I've been parenting *(see upcoming "every citizen needs to shake a kid - it's our our only hope for the future" blog), throwing a massive number of events (although I wanted to reduce the number to 30 this year, I'm already above that in early Oct), catching up with old friends, and trying (unsuccessfully) to eat more healthily - if that's a word. My car's head gasket went (whatever that means), and I had a streak of bad luck and funny instances like the adventures of Ian the non-bus taker on the TTC...
One of the main reasons that I haven't been on this toy is because, like a 3 year old, when presented with a new toy, the old toy seems to go by the wayside. When that new toy is a member of a toy family that, when coming together like Voltron, creates an even more fabulous toy - well, to be frank, the blog gets neglected for weeks. Okay... maybe a month.
My new toy is called a Microsoft Zune, and it goes with my other new toys, the Blackberry Worldphone (that I talked about in my first ever blog) and a car with Bluetooth and MP3 capabilities. See where the problem comes in? I'm not even sure you should be able to do that many things at once - answer your phone with the car, listen to the music, drive and eat an Angus Burger with cheese (from Harvey's - my new craving of the moment... you'd think I'm pregnant).
I digress... Although I'm not a super Microsoft fan, the Zune is an amazing little toy - I'd expect no less from Bill Gates (who's story I love [especially the drop out of university and create a successful company part - although my mom ultimately made me go back). [Editor's note: Coincidentally he's absolutely hilarious *(watch Bill Gates' last day of work).
As I was saying, the Zune is Microsoft's answer to the Ipod... I never had an Ipod, for, after all, I spend a great number of hours in front of the computer. When I'm not on the computer, I'm in the car, or in the living room where my entertainment unit, and my collection of CDs is. I don't jog, and as unsuccessful as my attempt to eat healthily (word?) have been, my attempts to make it to the gym make them pale in comparison... Needless to say, I had absolutely NO reason for an MP3 player, despite everyone's insistence that I get one.
So I get one. [LOL]. In a strange groundhog day sort of way (ala my Blackberry post) I don't know how I lived without it. Once I figured it out that is.
So the Zune I got is an 8meg one - which they say can hold 2000 songs... which is great until you start putting in music and realize that that's only ummm 2000 divided by umm average 12 songs per album = 166 albums. Its not that much when you start to upload all your ummm... acquired music from your computer and your albums too. If you put any video on there, that's reduced drastically, and you HAVE to put some pics on there too - your neice, your godchildren, and your own beautiful kids. Anyway, the point I'm making is - if you're buying an MP3 player - zune zune or ipod, go for the bigger one... or you'll be erasing stuff all the time to make room like my first digital camera lol...
This is quickly turning into a tech review lol... Anyway - in my limited interactions with the IPOD, I've hated the click wheel thingy, because, like many photogallery's on the internet you have to come out to go in... levels and levels. The Zune is easy to use for non fancy guys like me. [read: non-nerd]. I accidentally noticed (again like my camera) that when you turn the unit sideways, the pics turn sideways too. I'm impressed by little things. BUT - the controls flip sideways too. Ha. Oh. And it has a radio too. So I can go on a 6pm walk and listen to Scratch or Socasize to Dr. Jay on Sundays. Let's see if either happen lol. And speaking of Jay, I've set it up to get his podcasts, Wristpect's podcasts, Jester's and a couple of my favorite radio shows too. That's dope. (cause now I can listen in the car).
And my complaints... because you know there had to be some. The Zune doesn't work with my mac. And its "i-tunes" store sucks for selection. And it doesn't sell any movies (I wanted to buy Speiderman just to try it. I guess I may be a nerd). And one of the things I was looking forward to was watching TV shows - again. No go. And the BIG thing about the zune was the ability to wirelessly transfer music. When I read up, I came to understand that these TRANSFERS were to other people... Why not too and from my computer? That would make it fast and easy when I'm running out the door to drop the new jocking Jay-z or Swagger like Jay-z or any other new Jay-z that I'm trying to hear, quick and easy... And although everything has a camera, I wish it did as my Blackberry worldphone DOESN'T. So I can upload photos to both, but can't take any with either. Sigh. And it doesn't play WAV files. I noticed that by accident yesterday.
And now for the WORSE thing. I hate the software. It's slow and they're Microsoft. They should have just made it 2 explorer windows and made it drag and drop instead of this fancy, pretty Zune software, which is too complicated to work. You have to put the songs that are uploading to the zune into a "zune directory" and the zune pulls them off. Arrgh. I don't want to copy my files into a directory... I just want to drop them from where they are.
But - I can play it in the car, so at least when I do manage to get new music up on it, I can listen on my way from work to work and all points in between ummm... work. Did I mention I got a converter to change the power outlet to a plug so I can use my laptop in the car? I think I need a vacation lol.
Zune Zoon Zune...
p.s. As I went to press save on this blog, new software that just downloaded allows the Zune to drag and drop individual songs... I guess it's a work in progress...