Michael is the greatest. Ever. Over the years, I've written countless times about him in my party emails. I've cut out the party stuff and just left my words about the one and only Michael.
These are the first 2 I found. Enjoy. I'm enjoying reminiscing.
Love you Michael.
11 March 2009 16:58
What's up,
This is gonna be a short short one. I'm exhausted. From 1am this morning, until 6:43am when I finally gave in and dragged (picture a dog dragging his backside across a carpet) myself to bed, I entered and re-entered "4" tickets, "best available", "July 8th" in their respective zones on Ticketmaster.
These are the first 2 I found. Enjoy. I'm enjoying reminiscing.
Love you Michael.
11 March 2009 16:58
What's up,
This is gonna be a short short one. I'm exhausted. From 1am this morning, until 6:43am when I finally gave in and dragged (picture a dog dragging his backside across a carpet) myself to bed, I entered and re-entered "4" tickets, "best available", "July 8th" in their respective zones on Ticketmaster.
The show? THIS IS IT. The FINAL stage call for and I say this in CAPITALS - MY MOST FAVORITE ARTIST EVER. Next to Jay-z. MICHAEL JACKSON. My favorite video? Smooth Criminal. My favorite background vocal? "I always feeeel like... somebody's watching me". A few things that get me excited. The anti-gravity lean (which is possible due to a patent filed by Jacko - google it lol) in the afore stated Smooth Criminal video... dancing with Natives in the Black or White vid... The monster dance "paws (left) paws (right) paws (left)" in Thriller. The crotch grabbing in "The Way You Make Me Feel" (and every other video). The dance sequence in Remember the Time, Bad... The light up floor in Billie Jean. The wind blown shirt in Dirty Diana... Him trying to play basketball with the other MJ, Michael Jordan in the Jam video.
Wooooooooooh. He he.
I remember buying his record with my own money - at A&A records. The album had with a double fold... with him lying down with a tiger.
The emotion, the feeling that he evoked in my then, lives in me still.
Last night, I spent the entire night trying to get tickets to see the King Of Pop half way across the world in London England. He sold a MILLION tickets in 3 hours. I awoke to an email from his website saying, "Keep trying". I went on to Ticketmaster to see that they had added another 11 shows. Those have since sold out. "Keep trying". They're at 30 shows. And I keep trying. My code is can only be used once. I don't even know where the money's coming from. For everything else, there's Mastercard.
Anyway...I'm feeling nostalgic...
10 March 2005 19:26
p.s. I'm watching my Michael videos and trying to learn the moves... Damn I'm a smooth criminal.
- If you can't hear it in the background you can play or download it here... When it opens in Realplayer or Windows Media Player, you can "save as" to keep it...
p.p.p.s. Wanna be a star? Learn to Moonwalk...
The moonwalk is a kind of illusion and takes alot of practice. Below are the best Moonwalk instructions I could find so why not have some fun and give it a try . Step 1. Find a pair of low grip shoes you could try to do it in your socks to start off with. Step 2. Make sure that the ground you use to practice to moonwalk on is also not too grippy, try and find a polished floor. Step 3. Stand with both feet close to each other, left foot slightly ahead of the right (toes of right should be in line with half the left foot) Step 4. Now raise the heel of the right foot so that you are standing on the front of the right foot as if you are taking a step. The left foot must stay where it is (take care not to move it). Step 5. As you lower the heel of the right foot, lean all your weight on the right foot, and drag back the left foot to so that its toes are in line with the heel of the right foot. The left foot's heel must be slightly off the ground at this stage. As you drag back, do not push down on the left foot at all or it will not glide. Make sure as you lower the heel of the right foot (slowly) the left moves at an equal speed. This will need lots of practice to master the right speed. Step 6. Keep practicing up to the above steps until you can make the movement subconsciously without any difficulty. Step 7. Once you have mastered that, "kick" outwards with the left foot, but although not quite touching the ground, make it look as if it is touching. Move it out a foot-size's worth away from the toes of the right. No part of the left foot should be raised higher than another. Step 8. After you make your left foot move so it is at the starting position, lift up the heel once more of the right foot. Make sure the left leg is bent at the knee. Now repeat step 5. Keep practicing until you have the whole thing figured out, and it has been verified by others, and you feel quite comfortable with it. You should eventually get that gravity-defying effect and you'll MoonWalk like the pro. Step 9. Once you've figured it out for the right leg bending, switch legs, and try the same with the other foot. Lift heel of left, lower left as you glide right back. Left still on the ground, throw out right foot, lift up heel of left foot, and once again drag right foot back as left heel is lowered.
p.p.p.p.s. Prince who? Here are some of Michael's accomplishments... Biggest Selling Album Of All Time - Guiness Book Of World Records -Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Album is the biggest selling album of all time, with over 50 million copies sold worldwide. Thriller is also the biggest selling U.S album with sales of 25 million copies. Most No1 Hits in 1980's - By The End of the 1980's MIchael Jackson had more #1 hits than any other artist for the decade. Greatest Audience - Guiness Book Of World Records - The highest-ever viewership was 133.4 million viewers watching the NBC transmission of Super Bowl XXVII on June 31, 1993. Michael was spotlighted during the half-time peformance. Bad Tour - Guiness Book Of World Records - Michael Jackson's world tour brought in a record gross revenue of over $124 million during September 1987-December 1988. 100 Million Records - Michael has sold over 100 million singles and albums outside of the U.S. Billboard Charts - Michael Jackson is the first person in the 37 year history of the Billboard chart to enter straight in at No1, with his single "You Are Not Alone". The previous record "Earth Song" which had debuted at No5 and also Michael Jacksons. Biggest Selling Video - Michael Jackson's "The Making Of Thriller" is the biggest selling video to be released by an artist. Billboard "Hot 100" Singles Chart
Most No1 Hits by Male Artist (13) No1 Debuts - Michael Jacksons "Bad", "Dangerous", and "HIStory" albums all debuted in at No1. Awards - Michael has won more awards than any other artist. No1 On Charts - In 1983 Michael became the first artist to simultaneously hold the number one spots on Billboard's rock albums and rock singles charts, as well as the R&B albums and singles charts. Consecutive No1 Singles - Led by Michael, the Jackson 5 were the first group to ever have four consecutive No1 singles.
p.p.p.p.p.s. So nice, I had to play it twice... http://www.koreus.com/files/200408/lego_thriller.html
p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough, Rock With You, Working Day And Night, She's Out Of My Life, I Can't Help It, It's The Falling In Love, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', Baby Be Mine, The Girl Is Mine, Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Human Nature, P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing), The Lady In My Life, Bad, The Way You Make Me Feel, Liberian Girl, Another Part Of Me, Man In The Mirror, I Just Can't Stop Loving You, Dirty Diana, Smooth Criminal, Leave Me Alone, Jam, In The Closet, Remember The Time, Can't Let Her Get Away, Heal The World, Black Or White, Dangerous, Scream, Earth Song, You Are Not Alone, Ghosts, You Rock My World, Butterflies... and I didn't even look at the Jackson 5. Anyone for 2300 Jackson street? Tomorrow's going to be fire... p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Michael Joseph Jackson was born on the 29th of August 1958 a mere 2 months and 27 days after Prince... He is the the 7th of nine children. (brothers: Sigmund "Jackie", Toriano "Tito", Jermaine, Marlon, Steven "Randy", and sisters Rebbie, Janet and of course bad stripper... La-Toya)
10 March 2005 19:26
so good that I'm mad Chambers didn't put his name on it... It's going to end up ALL over the internet.
:: quotable ::
You say that workin'
Is what a man's supposed to do
And I say it ain't right
If I can't give sweet love to you (Ah)
Is what a man's supposed to do
And I say it ain't right
If I can't give sweet love to you (Ah)
MichaelJackson - Working Day and Night

Prince vs. Michael Jackson
Prince vs. Michael Jackson
The Prince vs. The King of Pop
p.s. I'm watching my Michael videos and trying to learn the moves... Damn I'm a smooth criminal.
- If you can't hear it in the background you can play or download it here... When it opens in Realplayer or Windows Media Player, you can "save as" to keep it...
The moonwalk is a kind of illusion and takes alot of practice. Below are the best Moonwalk instructions I could find so why not have some fun and give it a try .
Most No1 Hits by Male Artist (13)
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. He started singing at age 5 as the lead singer of the group... Almost immediately, they were signed to Motown by Berry Gordy and put out 4 singles (which are still among my favorite songs to this day... "I want you back", "ABC", "The Love You Save" and "I'll Be There" (which I even love the Trey Lorenz/Mariah remake where he outshines her...)
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. As the argument goes... My personal opinion (cause some of you have asked it...) is that Michael is well intentioned, and has felt invincible like his album title. Thus, he's like "I'm trying to help these kids and I'm not doing anything wrong, so who care's what people think". Problem being that we live in this thing called a society. And... according to the rules of this society thing, people (grown men) don't sleep in beds with children... I think he's learnt his lesson though, as I've seen the interviews and for the first time I think Mike's getting pissed.
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