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    Thursday, February 21, 2008

    Family Day indeed... The Globe and Mail ADDS insult to injury.

    This cartoon ran in the Monday, February 18, 2008 edition of the Globe and Mail.

    I could sit here and state the obvious racist implications of the cartoon, but why bother.

    Coincidentally, the oldest known mathematical artifact was discovered 37,000 years ago and is called the Lebombo Bone [Swaziland]. The oldest example of math calculations took place 27,000 years ago with the Ishango Bone in Zaire.

    The argument over Black focused schools continues to be a moot one - Black history, Chinese history, Indian history etc being taught to ALL children is the only way to create understanding and alleviate racism.

    Happy Black History month...



    QueenBea's sushi chronicles said...

    When I saw this fackery a few days ago I literally felt nauseaous(sp?). I dunno nuh, I doh know.

    Anonymous said...

    Wud up fam!?
    Do you plan on posting to your blog daily? If so I'll be here everyday to check it out.


    Jdid said...

    got to love those globe and mail idiots